Authorization check tcode in abap
Description > Authorization check tcode in abap
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Description > Authorization check tcode in abap
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You have exceeded the maximum character limit. Performs a local data flow analysis. See System Command Injections for more information.
You could then maintain field values to be checked when starting the transaction entering ' ' here means that no check is carried out for the field. The advanced tips and tricks come later. Information used on this site is at your own risk.
AUTHORITY_CHECK_TCODE SAP Function module - Authorization Check for Start of a Transaction - This is withdrawn with the kernel patch mentioned in Note 204193.
In this check, you can also protect transactions that are indirectly called by other programs. If one of tcode authorizations found matches one of the specified values, the check is successful. Indirectly-called transactions are not included in this authorization check. There are additional authorization checks for more complex transactions that call other transactions. The user must have an authorization that contains a value for the selected transaction code. This is useful if you want to be able to protect a transaction with a single authorization. If this is the case, it checks whether the user has an authorization for this authorization object. This can be meaningful, since a large number of authorization objects are often checked when executing transactions, because other work areas are abap in the background. For the check to be successful, corresponding authorizations must exist. This means that some users receive more authorizations than is absolutely necessary. It also means that more work is required to maintain the authorizations. For the user to be able to start the transaction, all of the above checks must be successful. Otherwise, the transaction is not started, and the system displays a corresponding message. To use it, you need to activate it. Enter the name of the application in the Web Dynpro Application field. You can use the description text automatically inserted by the system, or one of your own. If the application has different application configurations, you can select one of them in the Application Configuration field. You must check this assignment after installing support packages or upgrades, and reassign the reports if necessary. In this check, the system checks the name of the function group to which the function module belongs. If this check fails, the system also checks the authorizations for the name of the function module.